Adityo Prakosa
Associate Research Scientist

Adityo is an Associate Research Scientist at Johns Hopkins University, with an appointment in the Alliance for Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Treatment Innovation (ADVANCE). Prior to joining the Computational Cardiology Lab, he completed his PhD in Control, Signal and Image Processing (2013) at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, his MSc in Signal and Images in Medicine (2007) at the University of Paris XII – Val de Marne, and his BSc in Electrical Engineering (2005) at the Bandung Institute of Technology. His research interests are in medical imaging, image analysis and simulation for the improvement of the healthcare service by developing image processing applications to solve challenging multi-discipline clinical problems, which can aid clinicians in better diagnostic and therapeutic planning. His works involve the research and development of computational methodology and tools on image-based patient specific modeling for non-invasive ventricular arrhythmia prediction.
Please feel free to contact Adityo via email if you would like more information about his works.